The Corona Infection SOLUTION !

The Corona Shopping Solution ! Have you ever heard of mopping with an open tap, which means that the prevention of the problem is ineffective and people are only trying to make up for the consequences of the mistakes that are made or to talk if nothing helps anymore. to realize that 1.5 meters might have to be 10 meters to escape the spread, so that's the mistake, if you cough, the breath can reach up to 4 meters, and the particles may also linger in the air the temperature of the air inside, just like smoke particles get stuck in a closed room. I have heard this once at the Havo where I took lessons. I want to say, be on the safe side. Choose social over antisocial. access to shops and hand out parcels. Think of the poor who are going under, because they can't order anything and have it delivered to their home, so they will be hit the most. Very unfair because everyone has a right to safety. More measures will work You won't be able to avoid that in the long run, rather quickly than too late Hello I am from the Netherlands.I want to warn you, I have thought about this for a while, and it is 100% safe for the people, because the food cannot be infected, and as long as people wait at least 4 meters apart for their turn, with enough volunteer enforcers to ensure that no one gets too close, it's 100% safe for store staff too, which can also be done in a long street where people come in from a certain side to wait their turn. I would also suggest that people donate money for the poor with the change that remains,So they can get free groceries Feel free to ask me for more details, if you don't know what to do. I have all the time. I hate how it is going now and the crucial mistakes that are being made, especially with the shopping. Please send me an answer with your response! Thank you I was brainstorming recently and came up with a good plan to mitigate the virus by not leaving people in supermarkets anymore, but picking ordered groceries up safely outside of a grocery shop or in a long and wide street. be handy where the need is greatest and where there are also supermarkets. I have tried to contact various governments, as well as other agencies. I have so far had a heartfelt thank you from malaysia and luxemburg where they now have a website have to order groceries, especially for frail older people. Only they offer too few payment options which makes it difficult for them. I only have an English version of my life saving proposal. I hope you can convince Europe and America that it is better to be safe than to walk around in stores yourself now, and that this small logistics change will be implemented, especially in America, because it is going fast at the moment. . Thank you in advance for all the effort, I know you are busy, but this might help. The explanation may be a bit confused and incomplete because it was brainstorming. I don't want so many grandpas and grandmas and young people to die, and try to be ahead of the explosion. It's not too late for a small change that is also social and takes away anxiety.Breath can travel a distance up to 3 meters when somebody coughs so the 6 feet distance is complete worthless. I think the alternative to shopping is: Ordering the groceries online, and paying online. The people of the store pack the groceries in a bag and put it outside at a certain time. You take turns picking it up so that it does not have to be delivered ,because it is not possible for all people, so you keep the store and workers virus free and you have enough space outside to wait for your groceries to be put outside. People will get an sms for their turn to pick up the groceries .Every order has a number, which is called out loud. Is much safer than walking through narrow paths, colliding with each other. Also money change will no longer be used, because that can also be contaminated. Most people do have internet, but not everyone can pay online, so they can put the money in a container and only use fixed amounts, such as 10.20, .50, or 100 $ notes that you can put in a container You can then order up to a certain amount and that will be rounded up to a banknote.The change will be for the poor to get free shoppings There is no money to be returned, and the money can be disinfected immediately. People who have paid online can simply pick up the groceries outside the shop in different places when their number is called Remember to use the front and back sides of the shop,or do it in a long street so that it is spread. People have to wait with a long distance from each other until it's their turn When they are called for the groceries they go to them,they mention their name which is then checked so that no one else will take the groceries. People who do not have internet can throw their order in mailboxes at the store or send by postmail, and then pick it up in the same way, and Packing is done like this: From different packing places with all products are packed by a large amount of people.Later these orders in bags in carts are delivered to the shops by trucks.Packers can be tested beforehand, if there is enough liquid to test them With the release, the groceries for the people are driven out in carts and put 10 meters apart, next to each other,or in a line so that there is no risk, and the distribution will be fast .then they will walk in the same direction with the groceries so that you do not have two-way traffic, and people bump into each other, or walk in the way, making the risk of infection almost zero. people can take a walk around the corner to return in the next street. I would introduce this measure nationwide, and you will see that it works. People are afraid of the store and is the worst stress point of our time for non infected peopleI. hope to have helped you with this. another small comment about people without internet / They should be sent a catalog so that they can choose the products and know what it costs. I would also use the rule of 12 feet and not 6 because then people tend not to take it so seriously. I hope this will reduce victims I have sent this message to all governments that have been severely affected. Now I hope this will become the standard so that we will be back in a month and all be good. Just look at Italy where it started a little earlier, now that hell has become on earth. Only in my way it quickly diminish. Just think, everyone is at home, and the only place they go is in and at the supermarket. More and more infections are added every day, so that must come from somewhere, and that can only be the supermarket , or people who get too close on the street, which entails less risk than in a full supermarket, where the measure is 1.5 meters impossible to handle, because the aisles are only 2 meters wide, and people are stressed and rushed want to do thing. My way is much more social because you know that it is your turn outside and you are ready immediately, so you have less anxiety and stress.Also we are all in the same boat feeling gives more courage, because you know that it is safe, and are proud of the measures that protect you, and others too, because there is no more hand contact with something and through good enforcement also more space for you. People all walk in one direction and not right through it, as is the case now Because you are safer, you also will believe more in the future, where the question is now whether it will still work out.People can work at supermarkets as cyclists for the elderly, and packers will be needed who pack everything in large halls. for each supermarket a few maintainers who keep people at a good distance of 4 meters or more. This will cause the virus to go away, because everyone is at home. You pick up your groceries at a certain time, so that it does not storm people are going long line and form with an insane amount of space in between, and walk in one direction, even if they have received the groceries so that you do not get collisions. It is a quest of switching that entering the store is no longer a real necessity, but security is more important.You will feel safer and feel better.If my plan is implemented, I estimate that the virus will soon decrease Let's hope that Leaders and kings also smart enough to keep the people out of the supermarkets. I saw that at a supermarket in a village only 1 customer was allowed in, and all the others were panting on each other's neck, not a meter away, in front of the door. I would find it really worthless and crazy if it would go on like this. Now it is not so bad, but in 2 weeks? How many people still have to get sick and die before they take my measure as a serious concideration? They need to wake up in this world and think more deeply about the consequences of late reactions that can make thousands of people sick and possibly die, by dealing too easily with the invisible enemy.that can be spread easily in stores What you cannot see is not relevant to many. Really so stupid that it makes me very angry. I hope this will help the world get grip on the situation,by implementing this non risk protocoll.I saw how you are dealing with great losses,I cry and pray for this world every day.Please forward this suggestion to all states so they can get the benefits out of it !Thanks and keep doing the great job,in helping the society get healthy again !


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